I captured this shot of our Head Boy, Seth Humphries, tutoring our year 9 boys in the finer points of the Haka.
Last week we held a farewell for Mrs Anne Flett who is a long term kitchen staff member after 32 years of sterling service. On behalf of the College Board of Trustees, staff and students, I would like to formally thank Anne for her years of diligent service to our College community.
- Mr Ryan will become the Acting Principal
- Ms Walshe, the Acting Deputy Principal
- Senior management will retain their existing job roles with the exception of Mr Ryan who will share his existing work with Mr Herbst who will be "Senior Master" for the term.
Finally, I would like to wish our seniors all the very best for the Ball this Saturday evening. It is a gala occasion, requiring detailed planning and preparation. Thank you in anticipation to Ms Walshe, our Home and School team and the student ball committee for your hard work and attention to detail.
Manaaki te atua ia koutou
Ngā mihi nui
Paul Olsen, Tumuaki
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