Kia Ora Kevinians and Supporters of the College,
This week we have all been reminded of the importance of understanding the fundamental principles of learning as we have watched with delight how well our students have done on the sports fields, on retreat and in the myriad of learning activities they experience here at the College.
Tournament week has been a great success with many students achieving personal bests and teams consolidating their weeks of training with good wins. It is a relief to have been able to get students to Tournament Week in this year which has seen so many of the traditional sporting opportunities taken from them. I would like to thank those coaches and staff who have made this possible.

Those staff not on tournament spent the day on Monday unpacking the new guidance from the Teachers Council around registration and in the process had many rich conversations about teaching and learning in our school. We traversed the roles and responsibilities of teachers in this process and looked at how our systems link with our overall aims.
Yesterday the Year 13's enjoyed a retreat day with the Catholic Youth Mission Team. This was a chance to take a break from the worries of NCEA and focus on the important aspects of living a rich and fulfilling life.
Learning can take many forms, whether we are learning to use power tools, play a new game, write an essay, kick a goal, make friends or cope with disappointment. As I look around the College and see the wide range of experiences our students are having as they prepare for adulthood, I am extremely proud.
Have a wonderful weekend.
May God bless you.
Ngā mihi Nui
Paul Olsen