After a term of reading, research and school visits, I am currently in the final write-up phase of my sabbatical project. The focus has been to explore strategies to support the development of an authentic local curriculum promoting student-centred learning at St Kevin’s. I am pleased to be able to report that there are a number of best-practice ideas that we are looking at to help our students to become "life-ready" and fully engaged in their learning.
The Board of Trustees have given approval for two developments:
Offering specialist options to students at Year 10. These will be half-year courses that prepare students with the specialist skills needed for NCEA in Year 11. Plans are well underway between Technology, Arts and Language Faculties.
All year 12 and 13 students will do a personalised course on Fridays aimed at meeting their own pathway needs. Monday to Thursday will be normal 6 subjects for 4 periods which gives ample opportunity to gain the 60 credits required for NCEA. Friday will focus on customised courses that can either enhance the number of credits and options for students or give students extra tuition and time to consolidate their Monday to Thursday Course.
Some of the exciting offerings include:
-University Papers and scholarship classes for students heading to tertiary study.
-Opportunities to explore careers and build their Work Ready Passport.
-Pre-trade courses in Timaru and Oamaru for those who want to prepare to do one of the Trades.
-Special distance learning courses that prepare for other pathways.
-Duke of Education Qualifications.
-Young Enterprise Scheme.
-Languages and other exciting options.
-There are a range of other support-options to consolidate the Monday to Thursday traditional offering.
We are currently in the consultation phase and I welcome feedback as we develop these exciting offerings for 2020. It is important that we support St Kevin’s College students to keep up with the best of develops and preparing them to take their place in a challenging world.