The Catholic Diocese (via Amy Armstrong) has put together some resources for lockdown:
Pray with the Pope:
Also, here is a link to the St Patrick's Parish new Facebook page. Fr Wayne shared his Mass on this page. Please share this with your friends and others who are interested.
Monday, March 30, 2020
Sunday, March 29, 2020
Inspirational Story on Past Pupil and Current Silver Fern Jane Watson
Check out this amazing story of Silver Ferns defender and past pupil Jane Watson.
A defender who plays with a whole lot of heart on the netball court, but for Jane that’s a characteristic which takes on a much deeper meaning.
A defender who plays with a whole lot of heart on the netball court, but for Jane that’s a characteristic which takes on a much deeper meaning.
Thursday, March 26, 2020
NZ Police Multilingual Messages- Covid-19
New Zealand Police are releasing a multilingual message for our communities with the country's move to Covid-19 Alert Level 4.
Police are here to keep our communities safe and help prevent harm, but it's more important than ever that we all help them with this. That means staying home to help keep the wider community safe as part of the restrictions imposed.
We understand these will be stressful and unfamiliar times for our community.
They ask that people take stock, take a breath and support each other in the times ahead.
These videos can be accessed through the links below.
Te Reo:
Cook Islands:
Fijian Hindi:
Police are here to keep our communities safe and help prevent harm, but it's more important than ever that we all help them with this. That means staying home to help keep the wider community safe as part of the restrictions imposed.
We understand these will be stressful and unfamiliar times for our community.
They ask that people take stock, take a breath and support each other in the times ahead.
These videos can be accessed through the links below.
Te Reo:
Cook Islands:
Fijian Hindi:
Monday, March 23, 2020
Buses and COVID-19
The North Otago Ritchies buses will NOT be running tomorrow Tuesday 24th March.
St Kevin's College is open for students with parents who work in essential services only. At 11am you can pick up books, artwork etc but you will need to make your own way to school.
Otherwise, do not come to school, please stay at home.
St Kevin's College is open for students with parents who work in essential services only. At 11am you can pick up books, artwork etc but you will need to make your own way to school.
Otherwise, do not come to school, please stay at home.
COVID-19 Update
Good afternoon Community
Following on from the announcement this afternoon by the Prime Minister there is no school tomorrow unless you are a student of an essential worker. If you are, then you are allowed to come to school tomorrow and Wednesday but not after that.
If you do not need to be at school, don't come.
If you need to pick up art supplies or books, come at 11 am tomorrow. Student work will be on Google classrooms.
It may be that the government starts the holidays in the next couple of days in which case, you are off for two weeks. We are still waiting for the ministry to decide this, so keep an eye on emails.
We will communicate more information as we know it.
God Bless
The Senior Management
Following on from the announcement this afternoon by the Prime Minister there is no school tomorrow unless you are a student of an essential worker. If you are, then you are allowed to come to school tomorrow and Wednesday but not after that.
If you do not need to be at school, don't come.
If you need to pick up art supplies or books, come at 11 am tomorrow. Student work will be on Google classrooms.
It may be that the government starts the holidays in the next couple of days in which case, you are off for two weeks. We are still waiting for the ministry to decide this, so keep an eye on emails.
We will communicate more information as we know it.
God Bless
The Senior Management
SKC Netball Meeting Postponed
Kia ora everyone,
In light of the current situation around the country, I have decided to postpone the netball meeting tomorrow night. With most sport being put on hold, I believe setting up the netball committee is not essential at this point and time.
When it looks as though netball will be up and running again I will organise a time for those interested in being on the netball committee to meet.
Thanks for your understanding, and be safe.
Kind Regards,
Craig Smith
Head of Sport
In light of the current situation around the country, I have decided to postpone the netball meeting tomorrow night. With most sport being put on hold, I believe setting up the netball committee is not essential at this point and time.
When it looks as though netball will be up and running again I will organise a time for those interested in being on the netball committee to meet.
Thanks for your understanding, and be safe.
Kind Regards,
Craig Smith
Head of Sport
Sunday, March 22, 2020
COVID-19 and Mental Wellbeing
At the moment we are all focusing on looking after our physical health, but it is also important to take a moment to look after our mental health.
Everything in the news seems really scary, and it is completely normal to feel anxious or stressed. But being worried isn't going to change anything, so here are a couple of things I want everyone to do over the long weekend:
1) Take some time to do something you really enjoy to take your mind off things.
2) Talk/connect with someone.
3) Reduce social media and news exposure. Put down the phone because all the news and social media are not helping stress levels (It is still important to check regularly for important updates, but don't be consumed by it!)
Please keep following all health and safety protocols such as washing hands, avoiding gatherings and staying home if you are sick.
If anyone needs to chat, get in touch with me. Alternatively, ring/txt 1737 for a twenty-four/seven counsellor helpline.
Mathew Harris,
School Counsellor
Everything in the news seems really scary, and it is completely normal to feel anxious or stressed. But being worried isn't going to change anything, so here are a couple of things I want everyone to do over the long weekend:
1) Take some time to do something you really enjoy to take your mind off things.
2) Talk/connect with someone.
3) Reduce social media and news exposure. Put down the phone because all the news and social media are not helping stress levels (It is still important to check regularly for important updates, but don't be consumed by it!)
Please keep following all health and safety protocols such as washing hands, avoiding gatherings and staying home if you are sick.
If anyone needs to chat, get in touch with me. Alternatively, ring/txt 1737 for a twenty-four/seven counsellor helpline.
Mathew Harris,
School Counsellor
Friday, March 20, 2020
Temporary Suspension of all Masses due to COVID-19
The New Zealand Catholic Bishops have been carefully considering the steps they need to take with Mass and other public liturgical gatherings because of the strong Government restrictions on public gatherings to counter the Covid-19 coronavirus pandemic.
Effective immediately, all Masses are to cease until further notice. Churches may remain open seven days a week for private prayers and reflection, but parish priests should ensure that numbers of people present remain small and follow Ministry of Health social distancing guidelines to stay at least 2 metres from each other.
Funeral services may continue but they must be brief and only with small numbers of close family and friends allowed. Those attending must also follow Ministry of Health guidelines for social distancing.
Baptisms, weddings and other public liturgical gatherings already planned may proceed but only with very small numbers of close family and friends present; again, those attending must follow Ministry of Health guidelines for social distancing.
Public liturgical gatherings not yet planned must not be approved and should be delayed until further notice. Funeral services will continue but with small numbers; these services will also meet safe practices and must be brief.
While this announcement today will disappoint many people, but it will also be welcomed by others. It also follows identical moves by Catholic bishops in many other countries. Pope Francis is himself setting the international Church example by not celebrating public Masses.
Your bishops and a number of dioceses are looking at live-streaming of Mass. Online resources for those who wish to pray at home, especially on Sundays, and to follow daily Mass online are offered at or on your local Diocesan
We again emphasise to all parishioners the importance of good practices of hygiene, including regular washing of hands, covering coughs and sneezes with elbows not hands, staying at home if sick, and keeping a reasonable distance from other people when in public.
The official public health response to the Covid-19 pandemic is changing quickly and frequently. The primary concern of your Bishops is the safety of all parishioners, clergy, families, friends, staff and visitors to our many and varied premises.
We will continue to send updates as soon as new developments happen.
✠ Patrick Dunn, Bishop of Auckland and NZCBC President
✠ Steve Lowe, Bishop of Hamilton and NZCBC Secretary
✠ John Dew, Cardinal Archbishop of Wellington
✠ Paul Martin, Bishop of Christchurch
✠ Michael Dooley, Bishop of Dunedin
✠ Michael Gielen, Auxiliary Bishop of Auckland
Effective immediately, all Masses are to cease until further notice. Churches may remain open seven days a week for private prayers and reflection, but parish priests should ensure that numbers of people present remain small and follow Ministry of Health social distancing guidelines to stay at least 2 metres from each other.
Funeral services may continue but they must be brief and only with small numbers of close family and friends allowed. Those attending must also follow Ministry of Health guidelines for social distancing.
Baptisms, weddings and other public liturgical gatherings already planned may proceed but only with very small numbers of close family and friends present; again, those attending must follow Ministry of Health guidelines for social distancing.
Public liturgical gatherings not yet planned must not be approved and should be delayed until further notice. Funeral services will continue but with small numbers; these services will also meet safe practices and must be brief.
While this announcement today will disappoint many people, but it will also be welcomed by others. It also follows identical moves by Catholic bishops in many other countries. Pope Francis is himself setting the international Church example by not celebrating public Masses.
Your bishops and a number of dioceses are looking at live-streaming of Mass. Online resources for those who wish to pray at home, especially on Sundays, and to follow daily Mass online are offered at or on your local Diocesan
We again emphasise to all parishioners the importance of good practices of hygiene, including regular washing of hands, covering coughs and sneezes with elbows not hands, staying at home if sick, and keeping a reasonable distance from other people when in public.
The official public health response to the Covid-19 pandemic is changing quickly and frequently. The primary concern of your Bishops is the safety of all parishioners, clergy, families, friends, staff and visitors to our many and varied premises.
We will continue to send updates as soon as new developments happen.
✠ Patrick Dunn, Bishop of Auckland and NZCBC President
✠ Steve Lowe, Bishop of Hamilton and NZCBC Secretary
✠ John Dew, Cardinal Archbishop of Wellington
✠ Paul Martin, Bishop of Christchurch
✠ Michael Dooley, Bishop of Dunedin
✠ Michael Gielen, Auxiliary Bishop of Auckland
Principal's Comment
Kia Ora Kevinians and Supporters of the College,
This week has bought us scary news in terms of the decision to close our borders and the increased rate of Covid 19 infections throughout New Zealand, but at times like this it is important to keep perspective and operate in a sensible and reasonable manner.
I had the privilege of taking the year 11 PE class into the high country earlier in the week and one look at the mountains really reinforced for me the idea that we are only a small part of a greater ecosystem and that while we are worried, we need to celebrate the good things that are happening around us everyday.

Our school is following all advice from the Ministry of Health. We have eliminated large group gatherings, reinforced hygiene habits and have taken all practical steps to create social distance. But among all of this, we are also finding time to laugh, enjoy each others company and thank God for the fact we live in the best country in the world.
Have a wonderful long weekend.
May God bless you.
Ngā mihi Nui
Paul Olsen
Thursday, March 19, 2020
Sport Waitaki Sports Awards 2019
A big Congratulations to our Kevinan sporting legends who were finalists and acknowledged for their outstanding achievements at the Network Waitaki Sports Awards on Monday night.
Boys Top 5 Basketball Team
Skeet Team
Clark Ewing - Trapshooting
Liam Direen - Squash
Max Yanzick - Athletics/Cross Country
Congratulations also to past pupils Logan Docherty (Rowing) who was a finalist for Sportsman of the Year, and Brylee More (Touch) a finalist for Junior Sportswoman of the Year.
It was so awesome to see Silver Fern and past pupil Jane Watson back in her old stomping ground too! What a fantastic speaker she was. We managed a quick photo with her at the end of the night with the SKC crew that were still there!
Thank you to North Otago Sports Bodies and Sport Waitaki for a great evening!
Boys Top 5 Basketball Team
Skeet Team
Clark Ewing - Trapshooting
Liam Direen - Squash
Max Yanzick - Athletics/Cross Country
Congratulations also to past pupils Logan Docherty (Rowing) who was a finalist for Sportsman of the Year, and Brylee More (Touch) a finalist for Junior Sportswoman of the Year.
It was so awesome to see Silver Fern and past pupil Jane Watson back in her old stomping ground too! What a fantastic speaker she was. We managed a quick photo with her at the end of the night with the SKC crew that were still there!
Thank you to North Otago Sports Bodies and Sport Waitaki for a great evening!
Wednesday, March 18, 2020
Principals Update- Covid-19
Dear Community
It is timely that I contact you all to give an update on our preparations here at school. Currently, the school is open; we are teaching regular classes.
I have cancelled the Year 11 PE trip due to depart today. We have excellent communication via Satellite phone with the trip that is currently out, and everything is fine. They are due back this afternoon.
We are switching over to doing the base business of the school and have cancelled the assemblies and masses for the foreseeable future. The Student Leadership team are developing an online assembly as we speak.
Sport NZ has cancelled and postponed most events, and as you know, we have cancelled the end of term Catholic Schools Tournament.
Teachers and students are reminded to wash hands and avoid wherever possible social contact. Desks in classrooms can be spaced out and if its fine outside classes can happen in the sunshine.
As you know, planning is everything, and I feel we are well placed to respond to the Ministry of Health and Ministry of Education guidelines and directives.
I will keep you informed if our situation changes.
I have confidence in our staff and students that we will act and behave like Kevinians that genuinely believe in our values. Family Integrity Respect Excellence.
Contact the school office if you have a need for more information.
God bless
Kerry Ryan
Associate Principal
It is timely that I contact you all to give an update on our preparations here at school. Currently, the school is open; we are teaching regular classes.
I have cancelled the Year 11 PE trip due to depart today. We have excellent communication via Satellite phone with the trip that is currently out, and everything is fine. They are due back this afternoon.
We are switching over to doing the base business of the school and have cancelled the assemblies and masses for the foreseeable future. The Student Leadership team are developing an online assembly as we speak.
Sport NZ has cancelled and postponed most events, and as you know, we have cancelled the end of term Catholic Schools Tournament.
Teachers and students are reminded to wash hands and avoid wherever possible social contact. Desks in classrooms can be spaced out and if its fine outside classes can happen in the sunshine.
As you know, planning is everything, and I feel we are well placed to respond to the Ministry of Health and Ministry of Education guidelines and directives.
I will keep you informed if our situation changes.
I have confidence in our staff and students that we will act and behave like Kevinians that genuinely believe in our values. Family Integrity Respect Excellence.
Contact the school office if you have a need for more information.
God bless
Kerry Ryan
Associate Principal
Tuesday, March 17, 2020
Justice Leadership Day
Ten senior students from the SKC Caritas team met with their counterparts from Verdon College, St. Peter's College and Kavanagh College for a Justice Leadership Day in Dunedin last Wednesday.
Run by the Caritas Education team, the students were also joined by Julianne Hickey, the Director of Caritas Aotearoa New Zealand. They discussed how our NZ Catholic agency for justice, peace and development is part of a vital network of 165 Caritas agencies around the world, explored how the funds we raise annually for Caritas are used, and looked into career and volunteer opportunities with Caritas.
All agreed it was a very valuable learning experience.
Run by the Caritas Education team, the students were also joined by Julianne Hickey, the Director of Caritas Aotearoa New Zealand. They discussed how our NZ Catholic agency for justice, peace and development is part of a vital network of 165 Caritas agencies around the world, explored how the funds we raise annually for Caritas are used, and looked into career and volunteer opportunities with Caritas.
All agreed it was a very valuable learning experience.
School Sport Events on National Calendar Suspended
Following the Government announcement of banning gatherings and events of 500 or more and in conjunction with NSOs with events scheduled this term, the board of School Sport NZ has confirmed that all events on the School Sport NZ national calendar are suspended.
This decision will be reviewed on Monday 6th April. Some events where alternative dates are not possible will be cancelled, others may be postponed and they will work with NSOs to make announcements in due course.
For St Kevin's College, this will affect:
SISS Touch
NZSS Rowing (Maadi Cup)
SISS Athletics
Aoraki Secondary School Sport has cancelled Athletics tomorrow (18th March) but are still to make decisions on smaller upcoming events. We will advise cancellations as we receive them.
This decision will be reviewed on Monday 6th April. Some events where alternative dates are not possible will be cancelled, others may be postponed and they will work with NSOs to make announcements in due course.
For St Kevin's College, this will affect:
SISS Touch
NZSS Rowing (Maadi Cup)
SISS Athletics
Aoraki Secondary School Sport has cancelled Athletics tomorrow (18th March) but are still to make decisions on smaller upcoming events. We will advise cancellations as we receive them.
Monday, March 16, 2020
Aoraki Athletics Cancelled
Please see email below from our Regional Director
Good Afternoon All,
This afternoon Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern has announced that all public gatherings and events of 500 people should be cancelled.
With this in mind we have made the decision to cancel the Aoraki Secondary Schools Athletics Championships planned for Wednesday 18th March.
Our number of entrants is higher than this number let alone the consideration of officials, managers, spectators and staff from our community.
While obviously this will be disappointing for a number of students and community members the decision is made with their health and safety our number one priority.
Over the next 48 hours we will gather more information and use this to make decisions on future Aoraki Championship events and other regional competitions.
It is expected that you will also receive some communication from School Sport New Zealand in the next 48 hours regarding events planned for the near future and tournament week.
Kind Regards,
Shaun Campbell
Please see email below from our Regional Director
Good Afternoon All,
This afternoon Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern has announced that all public gatherings and events of 500 people should be cancelled.
With this in mind we have made the decision to cancel the Aoraki Secondary Schools Athletics Championships planned for Wednesday 18th March.
Our number of entrants is higher than this number let alone the consideration of officials, managers, spectators and staff from our community.
While obviously this will be disappointing for a number of students and community members the decision is made with their health and safety our number one priority.
Over the next 48 hours we will gather more information and use this to make decisions on future Aoraki Championship events and other regional competitions.
It is expected that you will also receive some communication from School Sport New Zealand in the next 48 hours regarding events planned for the near future and tournament week.
Kind Regards,
Shaun Campbell
New School Student Newspaper- Redcastle News available!
Friday saw the release of the first edition of the school student newspaper "Redcastle News". This is a student driven publication where our young people are directing the learning for themselves.
Click the link below to check it out and be sure to subscribe!
Click the link below to check it out and be sure to subscribe!
Principal's Comment
Kia Ora Kevinians and Friends of the College,
Today I had the privilege of reading the first edition of the school student newspaper. I was heartened to see that the students had covered a range of topics from Corona Virus to the toppings on Pizza, but what has pleased me more than that, is the fact that this is a student driven publication where our young people are directing the learning for themselves. This week's newspaper features Joel Kunnethedan and his love on all things mechanical, and provides an opportunity for our students to learn about each other outside of school.
This is only one example of the excellent work being done across the school in the new Year 12 and 13 Friday programme, and typifies what we are trying to encourage in our young people, using critical thinking skills, making meaning, using different perspectives and taking action.
As we build these capabilities in our students, we are also building confident, connected future community members.
Today I had the privilege of reading the first edition of the school student newspaper. I was heartened to see that the students had covered a range of topics from Corona Virus to the toppings on Pizza, but what has pleased me more than that, is the fact that this is a student driven publication where our young people are directing the learning for themselves. This week's newspaper features Joel Kunnethedan and his love on all things mechanical, and provides an opportunity for our students to learn about each other outside of school.
This is only one example of the excellent work being done across the school in the new Year 12 and 13 Friday programme, and typifies what we are trying to encourage in our young people, using critical thinking skills, making meaning, using different perspectives and taking action.
As we build these capabilities in our students, we are also building confident, connected future community members.
May God bless you.
Ngā mihi Nui
Paul Olsen
Thursday, March 12, 2020
Year 10 Baking for Charity
Our Year 10 Food & Nutrition Class has been baking up a storm! Each week they will bake and people can purchase the goodies for a gold coin donation with all proceeds going to charity.
These cupcakes raised a total of $96! With the proceeds from last Friday going to Diabetes NZ.
These cupcakes raised a total of $96! With the proceeds from last Friday going to Diabetes NZ.
Wednesday, March 11, 2020
Congratulations to our Athletics Champions for 2020!
Congratulations to our Athletics Champions for 2020!
Under 14 Girls: Summer Borrie
Under 14 Boys: Camden Burge
Under 15 Girls: Jessica Smith
Under 15 Boys: Liam Prouting-Gardner
Under 16 Girls: Jasmine Emery
Under 16 Boys: Jed Jabagat
Senior Girls: Tegan Souness
Senior Boys: Christian Baillie
Under 14 Girls: Summer Borrie
Under 14 Boys: Camden Burge
Under 15 Girls: Jessica Smith
Under 15 Boys: Liam Prouting-Gardner
Under 16 Girls: Jasmine Emery
Under 16 Boys: Jed Jabagat
Senior Girls: Tegan Souness
Senior Boys: Christian Baillie
Tuesday, March 10, 2020
Max Yanzick wins Bronze Medal at NZ Track & Field Championships!
In the weekend Max Yanzick won a bronze medal in the 5000m Under 20 Men's race at the Jennian Homes NZ Track & Field Championships in Christchurch.
Max is now the 3rd fastest Under 20 5km runner in NZ! For a 17 year old and their first year in this age group, this is a remarkable achievement!
Congratulations Max, we are so proud of you! All the best for your upcoming events and your build up to the National Cross Country Champs later in the year.
Max is now the 3rd fastest Under 20 5km runner in NZ! For a 17 year old and their first year in this age group, this is a remarkable achievement!
Congratulations Max, we are so proud of you! All the best for your upcoming events and your build up to the National Cross Country Champs later in the year.
SKC Netball Meeting- Friday 13th March at 6pm
There will be a St Kevin's College Netball Meeting this Friday 13th March at 6pm in the School Staff room.
Any parents and players are welcome to attend.
Any parents and players are welcome to attend.
Sunday, March 8, 2020
Casual Cook and Kitchen Staff- St Kevin's College Hostel
We are looking to employ on call, part time and casual Kitchen Staff to cover staff absences and assist with function and school holiday catering work.
Duties will include:
• Food preparation/cooking
• Customer service
• General kitchen cleaning
• Dishes
• Assisting the Chef as directed
Our ideal candidate will:
• Be a friendly team-player
• Have a good work ethic and a can-do attitude
• Demonstrate a proven track record of being reliable
• Have the ability to work unsupervised
• Have previous experience in a food preparation role
• Show an understanding of H&S systems and food safety practices
For more information or to email your CV contact Justin Fowler at
Duties will include:
• Food preparation/cooking
• Customer service
• General kitchen cleaning
• Dishes
• Assisting the Chef as directed
Our ideal candidate will:
• Be a friendly team-player
• Have a good work ethic and a can-do attitude
• Demonstrate a proven track record of being reliable
• Have the ability to work unsupervised
• Have previous experience in a food preparation role
• Show an understanding of H&S systems and food safety practices
For more information or to email your CV contact Justin Fowler at
Saturday, March 7, 2020
Waitaki Wearable Arts Sponsorship
This is a fundraising event for the St Kevin's College Home and School. Waitaki Wearable Arts will be held on the 18th of July 2020 at St Kevin's College, Oamaru.
Three category themes have been chosen which will allow the designer plenty of scope for the artist to explore their creative side: Aoteara Naturally, Architecture and Avant-Garde. We are looking for category sponsors as well as an overall sponsor who could secure naming rights.
If you are interested in becoming a sponsor, or would like further information please contact Andrew Steel at
For more information about the event visit
If you are interested in becoming a sponsor, or would like further information please contact Andrew Steel at
For more information about the event visit
Friday, March 6, 2020
Principal's Comment
Kia Ora Kevinians and Supporters of the College,
Its been an interesting week with fears of Coronavirus being heightened and New Zealand having its first cases. At school our focus has been around practical advice around handwashing and making low key, tentative arrangements in the event of the school being closed for any period of time. Staff are working on these arrangements in the expectation we will never have to use them and I thank them for their efforts.
Another group who have been hard at work this week have been the Student Leadership Team who spent last weekend in preparation for fulfilling their roles this year at the Edmund Rice camp in Dunedin. This camp encourages students to take a servant leadership approach and to see service to others as Christ did, as a privilege and an extension of our humanity.
We wish these students all the best as they step into their roles over the course of the year.
May God bless you.
Ngā mihi Nui
Paul Olsen
Its been an interesting week with fears of Coronavirus being heightened and New Zealand having its first cases. At school our focus has been around practical advice around handwashing and making low key, tentative arrangements in the event of the school being closed for any period of time. Staff are working on these arrangements in the expectation we will never have to use them and I thank them for their efforts.
Another group who have been hard at work this week have been the Student Leadership Team who spent last weekend in preparation for fulfilling their roles this year at the Edmund Rice camp in Dunedin. This camp encourages students to take a servant leadership approach and to see service to others as Christ did, as a privilege and an extension of our humanity.
We wish these students all the best as they step into their roles over the course of the year.
May God bless you.
Ngā mihi Nui
Paul Olsen
Thursday, March 5, 2020
St Joseph's Year 7 & 8 Technology
Each Friday we have Year 7 and 8 students visit us from St Joseph's School. This is to extend them in the curriculum areas of Technology, Physical Education and Science. It will also continue to strengthen the connections between St Josephs and St Kevin's College.
Here are some of the students enjoying a Long Ball session in PE with Mr Smith.
Great work team!
Here are some of the students enjoying a Long Ball session in PE with Mr Smith.
Great work team!
Wednesday, March 4, 2020
Network Waitaki Sports Awards Finalists
We are extremely proud to announce the following Teams and Students/Athletes from St Kevin's College that have been named as finalists in the Network Waitaki Sports Awards. The awards will be held on Monday 16th March.
Boys Top 5 Basketball Team
Skeet Team
Clark Ewing - Trapshooting
Liam Direen - Squash
Max Yanzick - Athletics/Cross Country
Jane Watson, current Silver Fern and past pupil of St Kevin's College will be the guest speaker.
A huge round of applause and all the best to these boys and to all of the other finalists!
Boys Top 5 Basketball Team
Skeet Team
Clark Ewing - Trapshooting
Liam Direen - Squash
Max Yanzick - Athletics/Cross Country
Jane Watson, current Silver Fern and past pupil of St Kevin's College will be the guest speaker.
A huge round of applause and all the best to these boys and to all of the other finalists!
Tuesday, March 3, 2020
Congratulations to our Swimming Champions for 2020!
Congratulations to our Swimming Champions for 2020!
Under 14 Girls: Tarona Taafaki
Under 14 Boys: Olli McDiarmid-Jones
Under 15 Girls: Isla Harrington
Under 15 Boys: Rico Mitchell
Under 16 Girls: River Cunningham
Under 16 Boys: Corbin Fraser
Senior Girls: Iessha Mansfield
Senior Boys: Flynn Mankelow
Under 14 Girls: Tarona Taafaki
Under 14 Boys: Olli McDiarmid-Jones
Under 15 Girls: Isla Harrington
Under 15 Boys: Rico Mitchell
Under 16 Girls: River Cunningham
Under 16 Boys: Corbin Fraser
Senior Girls: Iessha Mansfield
Senior Boys: Flynn Mankelow
Please ensure Caregiver Contact Details are up to date
In light of recent events we are updating all email and phone numbers for parents and caregivers to ensure we have the most up to date contact information.
Please check the parent portal and advise our school office if any changes need to be made. This is very important if we need to get a hold of anyone in an emergency.
Please check the parent portal and advise our school office if any changes need to be made. This is very important if we need to get a hold of anyone in an emergency.
Monday, March 2, 2020
Looking for Mannequins
We are on the lookout for mannequins for our student wearable arts event. Do you have a mannequin lounging on your sofa, on a shelf at the back of your shop, or hiding in the corner of your garage? Would you like to donate it or lend it for the SKC wearable arts student showcase?
If so please contact Sara Plunkett
We would need them for the rest of Term 1 and Term 2 for students to build their wearable art garments on.
If so please contact Sara Plunkett
We would need them for the rest of Term 1 and Term 2 for students to build their wearable art garments on.
Rata McMullan gets Sculpture portfolio displayed in NZQA Top Art Exhibition!
Congratulations to past pupil and 2019 Head Girl Rata McMullan who has her NCEA Level 3 Sculpture portfolio displayed in NZQA Top Art Exhibition!
Top Art is an annual touring exhibition of visual art portfolios by students who achieved Excellence at NCEA Level 3. The exhibition includes up to 60 portfolios from Design, Painting, Photography, Printmaking and Sculpture.
The exhibition is located at Massey University, Wellington until 5 March, after which it is divided into two sections that tour the North and South Islands, visiting over 30 schools, museums, and galleries throughout New Zealand between March and September. It will be at Waitaki Girls High School 3rd-7th August.
The full tour schedule can be found on the NZQA website here:
Top Art is an annual touring exhibition of visual art portfolios by students who achieved Excellence at NCEA Level 3. The exhibition includes up to 60 portfolios from Design, Painting, Photography, Printmaking and Sculpture.
The exhibition is located at Massey University, Wellington until 5 March, after which it is divided into two sections that tour the North and South Islands, visiting over 30 schools, museums, and galleries throughout New Zealand between March and September. It will be at Waitaki Girls High School 3rd-7th August.
The full tour schedule can be found on the NZQA website here:
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