Friday, June 25, 2021

Principal's Comment

Kia Ora Kevinians and Supporters of the College,

As we approach the end of the term I must admit to looking forward to moving past important calendar dates where a potential Covid 19 disruption could throw a spanner in the works. Two major dates coming up for the students are the Ball on the 3rd July and the Waitaki Week sports exchanges held during the last week of school. Based on the positive news we have had out of Wellington so far of no community spread, I believe we should be excited about both of these events going ahead, but I also want to reassure the community that we have alternative plans in place if there were a Covid related lockdown of any sort. That is an important message to reiterate too around the rest of our core business. We are prepared for lockdowns if they are ever deemed necessary and we are confident we have good plans in place for looking after our students.

I would like to congratulate the Arts Faculty for a great night last night where students were able to showcase their various talents. Visual Art, Costume Design, Photography, Music, Drama and Dance were all featured and having the various strands collected together into a showcase certainly reinforced the wide variety and depth of talent we have here at the college.

I pray that the weather is kind to those of you planting trees on Service Hill on Sunday morning and encourage anyone who wants to be part of this historical event to bring a shovel and lend a hand. This is our opportunity to truly live our value of respect for our planet.

May God bless you.

Ngā mihi nui
Paul Olsen

Thursday, June 24, 2021

Introducing Coach Ella Brown!

Next up for our 'Coach Highlights', we have Ella Brown!

Ella coaches our Senior B Netball and Junior Cricket teams. 

⭐How did you get involved in coaching at SKC?

I moved to Oamaru at the beginning of Summer to work for North Otago Cricket and part of this role involved coaching at SKC. I coached the Junior Cricket team, High Performance Netball and Cricket.

⭐What sports do/have you played?

I am currently club netball in Oamaru for Maheno. While at school I used to play cricket, basketball, tennis and squash. I took this summer of cricket to train and complete a half ironman.

⭐Have you played any sport at a representative level?

I have played for the Netball South Beko team for a couple of years. I also played for the Otago Sparks Women’s Cricket Team for a few seasons and captained the Otago Under 21 Cricket team when I was younger.

⭐What is your favourite part about coaching?

I thoroughly enjoy working with players and building relationships to get to know them better. I love being in a position where I can give back to the sport and pass on my knowledge. Seeing a team achieve success is one of the most rewarding things of coaching.

⭐What is your personal coaching philosophy?

I believe that playing a team sport enables you to develop life long skills. The people you meet and friendships you make through sport can last a life time. Coaching has enabled me to pass on knowledge that my own coaches have taught me and develop our next up and coming players.

⭐Advice to young sportspeople?

Make the most of every opportunity you are given. You never know what might be around the corner. Lastly, don’t be afraid to ask for help, someone is always more than willing to offer support.

⭐Favourite Quote?

“Better than before”

So great to have you on board Ella!

Wednesday, June 23, 2021

Tree Planting- Sunday 27th June

A final reminder of the tree planting that is happening this Sunday 27th June, starting 9.30am and meeting at the Redcastle. 

Jimmy will kindly have all the trees at the top of the hill to make it much easier for the planters, so you won't have to carry them up! This will make it a lot quicker and we anticipate to be finished at lunchtime. 

Let's hope we get a day like this! Please spread the word!

Please email if you would like to put your name down, or have any questions about the morning.

Scripture Reading Results

Congratulations to all our finalists who took part in the recent Scripture Reading competition. 

Special mention to the following who placed in the top 3 in their year levels:

Year 9 

1st - Alex Scadden
2nd - Kezia Pestell
3rd - Janelle Casitas

Year 10

1st - Cooper Jones
2nd - Cheska Tion
3rd - Shanvi Mani

Year 11 

1st - Samuel Plieger
2nd - Anika Winders
3rd - Olivia Mavor

Year 12 

1st - Vince Vidallion
2nd - Cushla Bridges
3rd - Lance Calbone

Year 13 

1st - Joseph Spillane
2nd - Rhea Ratgali
3rd - Tristan Serrano

A big thank you to our awesome judge, Michele Fatafehi from GIANT LEAPS Speech Co.

Pictured: Senior winners (Vince Vidallion Year 12, Joseph Spillane Year 13 and Samuel Plieger Year 11)

Tuesday, June 22, 2021

PE Leadership Class

This year as one of our Friday options our PE Leadership class has been attending Weston School and running Physical Education activities for the students. 

A big thank you to Pearson’s who have provided us with vans for transport.  

Thank you Weston School for having us!

Monday, June 21, 2021

Feedback on Proposed Changes to NCEA Subjects

As part of the NCEA Change Programme the Ministry of Education is proposing changes to the New Zealand Curriculum and Te Marautanga o Aotearoa subjects available in schools and kura.

The Ministry are seeking your views on the suggested changes discussed below with your feedback enabling them to make better decisions. Please be assured that any feedback you provide will be confidential to those involved in analysing the consultation data. They will not identify any individuals in the final analysis and report writing unless you give permission for this.

Proposed subject lists:

The New Zealand Curriculum

Te Marautanga o Aotearoa

You can either complete the survey in English or complete the survey in te reo Māori.

The subject changes are not final, and you can provide feedback on all of these proposed changes, or only on those of interest to you. 

The survey will close on 11 August 2021.

For more information please visit: 

Senior Art Trip 2021

 Dunedin turned it on for the SKC Senior Art Trip to Dunedin last month! Weatherwise it was a T-shirt and jandals day. Artwise it was a colourful, visual, creative and informative experience for the senior photographers, painters and sculptures.   

The Dunedin experience opened up the world of art to our students and how you apply art to career paths.

Our Itinerary included:

- Tour of small Art Galleries in Dunedin Central 

- Gallery De Novo - Works by Phillip James 

- Olga - Guest artist Phillip Madill 

- Blue Oyster Galleries  - Guest artists - Miranda Bellamy and Amanda Fauteux

- Moray Gallery - Works by Liz Abbot

- At Olga and Blue Oyster Galleries -Students were able to listen to the guest artists and ask questions about their artworks.

- Dunedin City Art Gallery in the Octagon - Learning session with John Neumegen (Art Gallery Educator) in the Gallery, tour of the Exhibits including Guy Ngan, Scott Eady and Octavia Cook.

- And finished off the Art Trip with a guided tour of the Dunedin Art School.

Friday, June 18, 2021

Principal's Comment

 Kia Ora Kevinians and Supporters of the College,

There is has been much going on in the College this week and there will be many coaches and teachers embracing a weekend off after a very busy start to the week with both the Otago Secondary Schools Netball Tournament and the Mercy Cup having been played last weekend through to Tuesday. I would like to thank those community volunteers and staff who drove teams from Dunedin to Christchurch to ensure that we had teams represented across all disciplines. I spoke to our students at assembly this week about taking the time to thank coaches. Otago has one of the highest rates of staff involvement with school sport in the country which means that in many other places, students are simply missing out. Unless we all continue to step up, the options for students around sport will inevitably disappear. It will be hard for us as a society to complain about our students' screen time if we are not offering alternatives, so to those who are, I am eternally grateful.

A big thank you to Jennifer Herbst for running an excellent Scripture Reading competition this week. Proclaiming the word of God is, in my opinion, the second most important thing for a young Catholic to be able to do, behind of course modelling the compassion of Christ. It is wonderful to see how many of our young people are keen to give this a go. 

Finally, best of luck to Mr Carter and the Drama students for their performance on Thursday night. I have reliable information that there will be ice creams for sale from Te Ngakau Nui. See you there!

May God bless you.

Ngā mihi nui
Paul Olsen

Tuesday, June 15, 2021

Rhea Ratgali Wins Lions Young Speech Maker

Congratulations to Rhea Ratgali for winning the Lions Young Speech Maker held on Sunday. 

Rhea delivered an inspiring speech about racial equality and refugees. The standard of all the contestants was very high and the judges found it very hard to decide. Their comment was that Rhea's speech was one of the highest standard of speeches that they had ever heard.

Well done to Jocelyn Fellowes who also took part. The competition also involved an impromptu speech with the theme 'what does the world currently need right now?'

Rhea will travel to Wellington for the finals on 14th August. 

Well done!

Monday, June 14, 2021

Introducing Coach George Karamaena

We are so lucky here at St Kevin's College to have some excellent coaches for our students who volunteer their time in our sports programmes. We thought we would take some time to profile some of our coaches so you can get to know them! 

First up we have George Karamaena, U14.5 Rugby Coach

⭐ How did you get involved coaching at SKC?

I have been coaching on and off for around 5 years. My brother in-law is a student at SKC and plays rugby and it so happened that they were looking for another coach for this season. Craig Smith also used to teach me down at Southland Boys and made the connection and got in touch. 

⭐ What sports do/ have you played?

Currently I don’t play any sports. I like to play a bit of softball and touch when I can. Unfortunately I can’t play contact sport due to an accident. I played rugby, touch and softball for many years.

⭐ Have you played any sport at a representative level?

I have played at a representative level with all 3 sports over the years for Southland. Men’s major league for softball too. 

⭐ What is your favourite part about coaching?

Working with young men and passing on my past experiences to inspire them for their future. I also still love to be involved in the sport I grew up having a passion for. Unfortunately playing rugby got taken away from me due to an accident back in 2016.

⭐ What is your personal coaching philosophy?

I am a firm believer that if you have knowledge, pass it on to those who do not. I also believe that playing sports as a child, not only builds character and confidence but also gives them a sense of accomplishment. It also prepares them for life. Working as a team or as a team player, not as an individual. 

⭐ Speak on a challenge you’ve faced and what you did to get through it? Sporting or otherwise.

In March 2016 I was in the wrong place at the wrong time. I was underneath a falling balcony at a Six60 concert and sustained some pretty life changing injuries. I broke my back and both of my legs which put me in hospital for many weeks and was unable to walk for a couple of months. I had just started back rugby for the season and was absolutely devastated at the fact I couldn’t play for not only that season but for many seasons to come. Being faced with such a life changing experience taught me a lot being a young 19 year old. I suffered not just physically but also mentally as sport was such a huge part of my life. I made sure that I surrounded myself with friends and family and who brought the best out of me. Keeping busy by exercising, studying at the institute of sport- which helped guide me through tough times. Talking to people that have gone through similar situations and being open about it.

⭐ Advice to young sportspeople? 

Respect - Respect each other and everyone around you. 

Team work - working together and communicating. There is no “I” in team

Work ethic - if you are passionate about something, you’ll push your self to achieve set goals

⭐ Favourite quote? Sporting or otherwise

You don’t get what you wish for. You get what you work for.

Sunday, June 13, 2021

Thank you to our amazing tree planting volunteers!

A big thank you to this amazing group of volunteers who planted 3000 trees as part of our tree planting project!

Thank you to Jimmy McGeown and Cushla Bridges for efforts to get this project happening.

Friday, June 11, 2021

Principal's Comment

Kia Ora Kevinians and Supporters of the College,

I could not have submitted the blog this week without addressing the fact that this week I have resigned from the College effective from Jan 2022. This has been a tough decision as I truly feel that St Kevin's College is my spiritual home. It is in my teaching DNA having been where I have spent my most formative years as a teacher and senior leader and finally as Principal. My wife and I have lived on site, I have raised my children here and it is no overstatement to say that I love this place. Over my time at the helm, I have been lucky to have formed an excellent team of administrators, leaders, curriculum leaders and staff and together I feel that we have developed not only a high performing school academically, but a school which lives its values of Family, Integrity, Respect and Excellence. I have no qualms about leaving the school in such capable hands and I thank the School Board for not only its support of me in the past, but for its ongoing support as we move into the future.

I am excited about the prospect of being able to develop and support Catholic Education across Otago and Southland in my new position and am thrilled that while my relationship to the College will be different, there will still very much be a link in my new role. I am looking forward to the appointment of our next Principal and ask that the community support them in the way that you have supported me. It is an exciting time for the college community. The Board will be seeking community feedback around the attributes you feel are important in our next school leader and I encourage you to contribute to that process.

May God bless you.

Ngā mihi nui
Paul Olsen

Thursday, June 10, 2021

Parent, Spectator and Player Sport Expectations

As we near the middle of the winter sport season, here is a timely reminder of parent and spectator expectations we have at SKC.

Coaches, Parents and Spectators are expected to:    

-Encourage your family member and all other students in their efforts while playing sport. 

-Display self-control on the sidelines at ALL times. 

-Remain positive. Do not shout or ridicule players or match officials.

-Respect those involved in taking and playing the sport efforts regardless of whether St Kevin’s College has won or lost. 

-Respect the decisions of those who volunteer their time - referees, coaches, managers. 

-Do not place undue pressure on your child to play or perform especially in pressure finals. 

-If your child is hospitalised as a result of a serious injury, it is your responsibility to meet them as soon as possible, or arrange for a friend or relative to meet them there. This applies if the incident took place within a driving distance of 4 hours.

Good luck to all those involved this weekend!

Equestrian Arena Maintenance

Thank you to Road Metals who came out today and spread some new sand on our equestrian arena. This is routine maintenance to improve the surface for the horses, helping with injury prevention.

Our equestrian programme provides a unique opportunity for students to develop and foster their passion for horses while improving their equestrian skills. The programme at the College has been developed to cater for students of all abilities from the beginner to the experienced rider.

We are so lucky to have this great facility on site!

Tuesday, June 8, 2021

Important Update to St Kevin's College Community

 Kia ora Kevinians and supporters of the College

It is with regret that the St Kevin’s College Board announces that Mr Paul Olsen has tendered his resignation as Principal of St Kevin’s College effective from the start of the 2022 year. Mr Olsen began his tenure as Principal at the school in 2010 and has, over the course of the past two years, also worked as Lead Principal for the Whitestone Kāhui Ako - Community of Learning. 

Mr Olsen has had a long association with Catholic education having served as Principal of Verdon College in Invercargill from 2007 - 2010 and having served St Kevin’s College previously as Deputy Principal from 2001 - 2007. He is continuing to support Catholic Education in his new role as Manager of the Catholic Education Office for the Otago Southland Diocese where he will continue to put his many and varied talents to good use across a wide range of areas; including assets and curriculum. 

Throughout his time at St Kevin’s College, Mr Olsen has created an environment which has a strong pastoral focus with an emphasis on the teaching of values and inclusiveness. He guided the College through the changeover of ownership from the Christian Brothers to the Dunedin Diocese whilst keeping the founding vision of Edmund Rice, of education without barriers, as a key focus. Mr Olsen’s desire to articulate his vision for the Special Character of the school saw him lead the development of the FIRE values framework (Family, Integrity, Respect and Excellence) and embed this doctrine as the basis for establishing Restorative Practice at the school which has been in effect for the past six years. 

Mr Olsen’s selfless dedication to community has seen him involved in a variety of areas including being the Chair of the Safer Waitaki Coalition since its inception in 2013. He is also President and Musical Director of the Waitaki District School Pipeband since 2005. Mr Olsen has been involved in a variety of different community projects over the years, the most recent having been the development of a community bike track behind the College.  

Whilst filling the role of Principal of the College with a candidate of 

Mr Olsen’s calibre will not be easy, the lengthy lead in time allowed in this transition period will certainly help in ensuring that the good work Mr Olsen has done in the school will be continued. It is with a great deal of gratitude that the College acknowledges that Mr Olsen will still be involved with the school in his new role. We wish him every success in his future endeavours. 

On behalf of St Kevin’s College Board

Eugen Dupu
Presiding Member

Friday, June 4, 2021

Drug Free Sport Seminar

Over the first term the Junior and Senior High Performance Sports classes have been working hard during their skills and fitness sessions.

In the last few weeks the students have been lucky enough to hear from two guest speakers. Cassie Bowry from Drugfree Sport NZ spoke to both classes about values, the awareness of influences of behaviour, identification of risks and supplement use. Drug Free Sport NZ.

Kate Finn has also been in to explain the need for positive mindset, language patterns for success, mantras for individuals, body language, visualisation and limiting beliefs for performance. Kate Finn - Your Life Live It

A big thank you to both speakers for giving up your time and inspiring our students!

Principal's Comment

 Kia Ora Kevinians and Supporters of the College,

This week started off in a fairly crazy manner for many of our families. Some students who were cut off from school by flooding have still not been able to make it back and so have had a disrupted time of it. Fortunately, if Covid taught us anything it was how to continue to deliver the curriculum online and I thank the staff who have helped students this week to keep up with their work through this medium. Whilst North Otago avoided the worst of the weather there are many families in our community who have connections in Canterbury and I would like to express our sympathy to you on behalf of the College family. We know what a great toll this sort of event can have.

Today a group of students from the College traveled to Dunedin to participate in the 'Media Matter's' day. This event was organized through the University and focused on various topics around the media and how the way it is owned, manipulated, used in entertainment, and created all has an impact on culture and the way we see ourselves. In the Fake News era, this sort of event is incredibly important. As well as developing students' critical thinking and observational ability, the event also gave students a glimpse into what university life is like.

Have a wonderful long weekend

May God bless you.

Ngā mihi Nui

Paul Olsen 

Wednesday, June 2, 2021

Duke of Edinburgh Awards

We presented six Duke of Edinburgh awards during assembly today. They were presented by special guest, Mr Russell Dixon, who was our award leader and Guidance Counsellor for many years. It was a privilege for him to come back for the ceremony, as he has put a lot of hard work into helping these students achieve their awards.

Mat Harris explained the award and invited students to sign up and we heard from Ben and Edward about their recent tramp, and Megan about her Outward Bound experience.

A big congratulations to the following Award Recipients:


Jocelyn Fellowes


Megan Dodd
Fergus McMullan
Ellen Swanson (In Absentia - Yr13 2020)


April Linares-Fontona
Katelyn Walton

Farm Shed Cleanout Touch Fundraiser

Are there any farmers out there needing wool sheds cleaned out? Our SKC Touch team are looking to do this as a fundraiser.

If you would like your shed cleaned please get in touch with Mr Tatupu at

Tuesday, June 1, 2021

Aoraki Cross Country Results

Well done to our runners who recently took part in the Aoraki Cross Country champs.

There were 15 schools with approximately 140 participants.

The Results were:

Junior Girls

Grace Brydges 2nd
Kezia Pestell 15th

Junior Boys

Quinn Burge 4th

Intermediate Boys

Camden Burge 1st
Mathew Metcalfe 7th

Senior Girls

Jocelyn Fellowes 9th
Georgina McCarthy 15th

Senior Boys

Liam Prouting-Gardner 16th
Ben Kay 17th